Dr. Rumana Rois Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science
Dr. Rumana Rois is the Chairman of the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Jahangirnagar University and a Professor of Statistics and Data Science at JU. She has been on the faculty since 2006. She received her PhD from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern in 2017, where she worked in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Franke and Prof. Dr. Jörn Saß on nonparametric change-point analysis for high dimensional censored data.
Dr. Rois has more than 19 years of experience in building data-intensive applications and scalability issues in Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Public Health and Econometrics related fields. She has also supervised more than 40 Masters students, with current projects including developing an algorithm for detecting change-point in hazard functions, interpretability in machine learning, developing an algorithm for predicting dynamic pricing, functional mixed-model and forecasting with the damped trend model.
Editorial Involvement:
- Section Editor: Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, Springer Nature.
- Editorial Board Member: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science.
- Executive Editor, Journal of Statistical Studies (April, 2024 - March, 2027).
Advisory Board:
- Technical Advisory Committee Member: Project on "Improving psychological well-being through stress reduction among parents having children with neurodevelopmental disorders: A multi-pronged interventions in Bangladesh", Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), OCT 2022 - till now.
- Panel Reviewer: Grants for Advanced Research in Education (GARE), Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, JAN 2024 - till now.
Membership of Associations:
- DAAD Alumni, Germany.
- TU-KL Alumni, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- JUAA Alumni, Jahangirnagar University Alumni Association.
- JUDSAA Alumni, Jahangirnagar University Department of Statistics Alumni Association.
- Life Member, Bangladesh Statistical Association.
- Life Member, Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF).
Nonparametric Change-Point, Time Series, and Survival Analysis.
Md Abu Sayeed, Azizur Rahman, Atikur Rahman & Rumana Rois, On the interpretability of the SVM model for predicting infant mortality in Bangladesh, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 43, 170, 2024.Partha Saha, Md. Ahsanul Kabir Arif, Sonjit Mondol, Tanmay Biswas and Rumana Rois, Forecasting Monthly RMG Exports Demand in Bangladesh: with or without Change-Point Approach, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science (JUJS), 44, 1, pp.111-130, 2024.
Roy S. K. , Khurshid Jahan K., Alam N., Tasnim S., and Rois R., Assessing acceptance and effects of child feeding counseling on nutritional status of children aged 6-23 months in a semi-urban community, British Journal of Nutrition, pp.1-24, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114522003658
Rahman A, Hossain Z, Kabir E and Rois R, An assessment of random forest technique using simulation study: illustration with infant mortality in Bangladesh, Health Information Science and Systems, 10, 12, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13755-022-00180-0
Prima T. A., Thity T. N., and Rois R., Risk predictors selection and predict for the first-day neonatal mortality in Bangladesh using machine learning techniques, Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports, 3, 1, 2022. doi: www.doi.org/10.52768/2766-7820/1588
Rois R., An Illustration of ML Models to Determine the Prevalence and Predicting Factors of the First-Day Neonatal Mortality in Bangladesh, 164, pp.1-16, 2022.
Roy S. K., Jahan K., Alam N., Rois R., Ferdaus A., Israt S., and Karim MR., Perceived stress, eating behavior and overweight and obesity among urban adolescents, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 40, 54, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41043-021-00279-2
Rois R., Ray M., Rahman A., and Roy S. K., Prevalence and predicting factors of perceived stress among Bangladeshi university students using machine learning algorithms, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 40, 50, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41043-021-00276-5
Marjan N, Rahman A, Rois R., Rahman A, Factors associated with coverage of vitamin A supplementation among Bangladeshi children: Mixed modelling approach, BMC Public Health, 21, 648, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-10735-7
Rois R., Hasan F., and Yasmin M. N., Prediction of Infant Mortality in Bangladesh Using SVMs, Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 10, 11, 2021.
Rois R., Prima T. A. and Shanta M. A., An Application of Bootstrapping for CUSUM Test in Mean Change-Point Model and Forecasting, World Scientific News, 125, pp.217-229, 2019.
Chowdhury K. and Rois R., An Incomplete Block Change-over Design Balanced for First and Second-order Residual Effect, Journal of Agricultural Studies, 1, 1, pp.59-68, 2013. doi: 10.5296/jas.v1i1.3028
Rana, M. S. and Rois, R., Stochastic Modeling of Branching Process used in Insurance Companies, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 3, 10, pp.150-163, 2014.
Rana, M. S., Rois, R., and Soheli, S. N., The Evaluation of Stochastic Modeling in the context of Insurance Companies through the illustration of Branching Process, European Scientific Journal, 10, 21, pp.310-323, 2014. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.19044/esj.2014.v10n21p%25p
Rois R., Basak T., and Majumder A. K., Marginal Likelihood-Based One-Sided LR test for testing higher order Autocorrelation in Presence of Nuisance Parameters-A Distance Based Approach, The International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 1, 2, pp.69-78, 2012.
Rois R., Basak T., Rahman M. M. and Majumder A. K., Modified Breusch-Godfrey Test for Restricted Higher Order Autocorrelation in Dynamic Linear Model–A Distance Based Approach, The International Journal of Business and Management, 7, 17, pp.88-97, 2012.
Rois R., Basak T., Rahman M. M. and Majumder A. K., One-Sided Wald test for Restricted Higher Order Autocorrelation in Dynamic Linear Model, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Engineering and Technological Research, 1, 3, pp.25-35, 2012.
Sayem S. M., Rois R., Basak T., Rahman M. M. and Majumder A. K., A Modified test for testing Homogeneity of Means against One-sided alternatives, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Engineering and Technological Research, 1, 3, pp.36-41, 2012.
Parvin T., Rois R., Basak T., and Dhar S. K., A Distribution-Free Test for Scale Parameter under Exponential Alternative, Journal of Statistical Studies, 28, pp.31-42, 2009.
Rois R., Basak T., and Majumder A. K., On the Test of Restricted Higher Order Autocorrelation: A Wald-Type Distance-Based Approach, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science (JUJS), 31, 1, pp.127-142, 2008.
Rahman A., Hossain Z., Kabir E., Rois R., Machine Learning Algorithm for Analysing Infant Mortality in Bangladesh, In: Siuly S., Wang H., Chen L., Guo Y., Xing C. (eds) Health Information Science. HIS 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13079, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90885-0_19AWARD
Rois R., Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) scholarship for PhD in “Mathematics in Industry and Commerce” (MIC) program, Germany, 2013-2017.WORKSHOP
Workshop leader: Rois R, Applied Forecasting with Seasonal Adjustment, Bangladesh Bank (The central bank of Bangladesh), Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 7-10, 2019.Contact
Dr. Rumana Rois
Department of Statistics and Data Science
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: rois@juniv.edu